a woman with glasses and a white shirt
a woman with glasses and a white shirt



HELLO MY NAME IS Leanna, and I have been given a new name. Like Paul, I persecuted the Church ruthlessly, but now I am the Church. Join in my ministry to bring Christ to the ones farthest away by bridging the gap between unbelief and belief.

I have a fire in my soul that yearns to tell others the good news of what God did when he sent His Son to die for our sins. God has been unspeakably good to me as made evident in my book, The Ex Atheist #BecomingPaul even while I was still in unbelief. Life hasn't always been easy, but I would not change the testimony that God has trusted me to tell.

Featured On: Amazon Music, Audible, Spotify, Spotify for Podcasters, iHeart Radio, Apple Music. Book available on Amazon in print and Kindle.